#Exportar tm en wordfast software
help to translate and adapt the software to meet the requirements of the target market. help to study words in context throughout concordances, collocates, clusters. Terminology managers help to manage your terminology: creating and storing it and adding new terms along the process of translation. Sp : Traducción Automática (TA): Incorrect is an automated translation tool can be integrated into the overall translation process is linked to controlled languages (Caterpillar Technical English Caterpillar Fundamental English AECMA Simplified English) is based on grammatical rules, glossaries, dictionaries and frequency statistics suggest previously translated and stored segments that are similar to the segment he/she is translating. are empty when they are first created and start storing TU when the translator is translating. Translation Memory (TM) tools:Incorrect suggest previously translated and stored segments that are similar to the segment he/she is translating. Pre-translation process: Project Management Tools Pre-translation process: Alignment Tools Post -processing. They help feed the TM by aligning a source language text with its target text and importing the resulting TU into a new TM. Scheduling, overview, assigning resources, budget… are examples of Pre-translation process: Project Management Tools Pre-translation process: Alignment Tools Post -processing. Incorrect Translation Memory tools (TM) DTP, TM maintenance, Project Wrapping up. Incorrect Project Management tools before and during the proces Translation Memory tools (TM) Machine Translation (MT) Terminology managers Corpus Linguistics tools Localisation tools QA. Incorrect Project Management tools before and during the proces Alignment tools Preparation of files Corpus Linguistics tools. Different types of CAT Tools depending on the Translation Lifecycle Pre-translation process, Translation process, Post -processing Post-translation process ,Translation process,Pre -processing Translation process, Translation process, Post -processing Pre-translation process, Translation process, Processing. Incorrect Coherence sharing a project with different translators ) Improved final quality Highly repetition factor -> Reduced cost Productivity and efficiency of the translation process Help feed the TM by aligning a source language text. help in the translation process and improve the productivity of the translation process. CAT Tools help in the translation process and improve the productivity of the translation projects.

Translation Environment Tools (TEnT) by Trimble Cabré Zetzsche. CAT Tools Incorrect Computer Aided Tools Assisted Translation Tools Authomatic Translation Tools Translation Environment Tools (TEnT) Herramientas de Traducción Asistida por Ordenador. Temario: ICT Information and communication technology Information and communication translation.