The story of a gradual downfall of a man who had it all, a beautiful wife, lovely children, wealth and position in the society, and who eventually loses it all, is truly depressing, however, the writing is exquisite and I never thought of not finishing this novel. His ideas ruin his life and shatter the lives of his wife, Cynthia, and children.Īpart from Brooke's story, Ms Hale describes the war times in Great Britain and the post-war austerity, and I believe there are not many novels that manage to capture the atmosphere of those days so perfectly. The novel revolves around Christopher Brooke, the hatter, who well before the war got involved with the Mosley circle, and who during the time of his internment shifted his sympathies towards Hitler. It turned out to be much, much more than just interesting. I had a vague idea how the 18B influenced British citizens, so I thought this book might be interesting. Also, all rights regarding habeas corpus were suspended. I requested this book after reading that it tells a story that is linked to the Regulation 18B, introduced at the beginning of WW2, under which anyone who expressed any form of sympathy towards fascist ideas or was of German or Italian origin, was detained for a certain period in different locations across Great Britain. Also, all rights regarding habeas This novel took me a on reading journey that was as delightful as it can be for a reader, though there are no delights in the Mad Hatter itself. This novel took me a on reading journey that was as delightful as it can be for a reader, though there are no delights in the Mad Hatter itself.

Mad Hatter charts the slow unravelling of a marriage as the story of the Brooke family moves inexorably to a tragic conclusion.more When Mary is shockingly expelled from the house upon Christopher's release, her narration continues through the mouth of 15-month-old Katie. Irish farm girl, Mary Byrne, arrives in England in July 1940 to work as housekeeper for Cynthia Brooke and her three children, bonding with the family. Taking us into the pre-war political era of Ishiguro's Remains of the Day, Mad Hatter delves into the lives of Britons, tracking them through a darkening time. Irish farm girl, Mary Byrne, arrives in England in July 1940 to work a When British hat manufacturer Christopher Brooke is arrested under Regulation 18B in June 1940 a slow process of personal disintegration begins. When British hat manufacturer Christopher Brooke is arrested under Regulation 18B in June 1940 a slow process of personal disintegration begins.